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Outreach Director


Lonick Léandre is the Outreach Director of Develop Empower Smart And Mighty Youths, (DESAMY) Inc. He connects the organization with the international community and oversees each aspect of the solicitation of community involvement. He helps give the organization the best image of engagement and empathy. He develops strategic relationships to promote the services of the organization, connect with new donors, convey prospective donors for financial support, and conduct informational presentations. Together with the CEO, as an active member of the Board of Directors, Léandre collects information to focus on the donors, events, and venues that may be useful to the organization and its mission.

He vets donors or partners before any engagement to mitigate risks and conflict with the organization’s objectives. He conducts due diligence, understands and adheres to the organization’s established policies, and serves as the organization’s legal counsel. Léandre began his professional career in management in Haiti and the United States of several private companies as Team Leader, Supervisor, and Sales and Customer Relationship Manager. For nearly ten years, he has been working in the Haitian public administration.

First as special advisor to the Minister at the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE) and then in the foreign service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic, at the Embassy of Haiti in Santo Domingo, and then at the Consulate of Haiti in Santiago as Consul/Head of passport services. Léandre studied law and administration in Haiti and specialized in international relations and geopolitics at the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).